GSBMS Date 2023-07-17 오후 5:47:52 Inquiries 408
wishing to take a leave of absence/reinstatement and readmission for the second
semester of the 2023 academic year should apply as follows.
1. Leave of absence
A. (Before enrollment) General Leave of
Absence / General Leave of Absence Extension
- Application period: July 24, 2023 (Mon) ~ September 1, 2023 (Fri)
- Application method: GLS >
Application/Eligibility Management > Leave of Absence/Reinstatement Application
* Tuition cannot be paid during the
semester of leave, but can be paid in the semester of return.
* All course applications will be deleted
upon approval of the leave of absence, and this cannot be reversed, so please
make your decision carefully.
* You cannot take a leave of absence if you
have overdue library books (you can apply for a leave of absence after
returning them).
* You can apply for a maximum of 2
semesters at a time (you can apply for a leave of absence for 2 semesters
initially, and then return after 1 semester has passed)
* First-year undergraduate students who
have not entered their majors (including reserved majors) must complete the
first and second semesters of their first year in order to enter their majors,
so they cannot take a leave of absence for only one semester and must return in
* Maximum number of semesters you can take
a leave of absence while enrolled: 6 for bachelors programs (except for the
College of Pharmacy (starting with freshmen in 2022) and 8 for the College of
Medicine), 3 for masters and doctoral programs (4 for special programs and 4
for pre-law programs), and 6 for integrated masters and doctoral programs.
B. General leave of absence during the
semester (after enrollment)
- Application period: After the start of
the semester (tuition payment) ~ Nov. 18, 2023 (Sat)
[Only available until the last day of 3/4 of the class days].
- Application method: GLS >
Application/Eligibility Management > Leave of Absence/Reinstatement
* However, new/integrated students and
re-entry students are not allowed to take a general leave of absence in the
first semester of enrollment, and only reasons due to illness are allowed as an
exception (medical certificate issued by a third-party medical benefit organization
for at least 4 weeks is required).
* Tuition will be refunded to installment
payers by calculating the outstanding amount (see the tuition refund
calculation method below).
* Tuition will be refunded differentially
based on the date of application for leave of absence as shown in the table
University Academic Regulations Appendix 9-2) Tuition refund criteria
of the refund request
Until the day before the first day of
the semester (new, returning students) |
Full tuition, including admissions |
30 days before the start of the semester |
Full tuition excluding admissions |
Before the 60th day after the 30th day
after the start of the semester |
2/3 of tuition, excluding admissions
fees |
Before the 90th day after the 60th day
of the semester start date |
1/2 of the tuition amount, excluding
admissions fees |
90 days after the term start date |
No refund |
* Tuition refund criteria for graduate
intensive programs are different.
* In the event of a tuition refund, the
scholarship will be canceled and the full amount of the scholarship must be
returned to the school.
in tuition refund calculation method for scholarship students (effective from
1st semester of 2020)>
[Before]: (Tuition - Scholarship) * Refund percentage
[After change]: (Tuition * Refund percentage) - Scholarship ⇒ If the
refund amount is negative, the student must return the amount to the school,
after returning the amount, you can apply for a general leave of absence.
However, for installment payers, the refund amount is calculated as (tuition *
refund percentage) - scholarship - unpaid installment amount,
If the refund amount is negative, the student must pay an additional
amount to apply for a general leave of absence.
C. Military enlistment Leave of Absence
- Application period: 4 weeks before the
enlistment date (but enlistees after July 17, 2023 can apply after July 17)
- Application method: GLS >
Application/Eligibility Management > Leave of Absence/Reinstatement
* Students enlisting in the military must
apply for a leave of absence through GLS at least one week before their
enlistment date, and must attach their enlistment notification letter.
* If you apply for an enlistment leave
of absence during the semester after paying tuition, you will be eligible for
the next free tuition.
* However, students who apply for a
military leave of absence within 3/4 of the class days after the end of the
semester (Sunday, November 19, 2023) to the end of the semester (Friday,
December 15, 2023), and who have received their grades for the semester, will
be eligible for the next paid reinstatement.
* Obligations of applicants for enlistment
leave of absence, postponement of enlistment date, etc.
- If you are sent home
or postponed after enlisting in the military,
you must report to your universitys
administration within 7 days and submit supporting documents (such as a return
home certificate), or you may be subject to disadvantages such as expulsion.
- If you are sent home or deferred, your
enlistment leave will be invalidated and you will be returned to your previous
academic status, so if you are on an enlistment leave while still in school,
you must return to your studies immediately.
D. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Parental
Leave / Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Parental Leave Extension
- Application period: 2023.07.24.(Mon) ~
2023.11.18.(Sat) [ Can only be applied by the corresponding date of 3/4 class
days ].
- Application method: GLS > Application/Eligibility
Management > Leave/Return to School
- Documents to be submitted: Medical
certificate (pregnancy/childbirth) or family relationship certificate
* If you are taking a leave of absence for
childcare reasons, only one parent with a child
under the age of 8
can take a leave of absence.
* You can apply for up to 2 semesters at a
time, and you can take a total of 4 semesters of leave during your enrollment.
* Pregnancy, childbirth, and parental leave
periods are not included in the general leave period.
* If you take a pregnancy, childbirth, or
parental leave during a semester after paying tuition, you will be eligible for
the next free semester.
E. Entrepreneurial Leave / Extension of
Entrepreneurial Leave
- For details such as application period
and documents to be submitted, please check the separate announcement on
start-up leave.
2. Return from absence (general
reinstatement, first semester reinstatement, military reinstatement)
- Application period: 2023.07.17.(Mon) ~ 2023.07.28.(Fri)
- Application method: GLS > Application/Eligibility Management
> Leave of Absence/Reinstatement Application
* Students are not automatically reinstated or extended upon
completion of the leave of absence period, so they must apply for reinstatement
or extension of leave of absence (if there are still semesters remaining).
* If you do not apply for reinstatement or leave extension by the
deadline, your leave of absence will expire.
* If you return to school after a one-semester leave of absence, you
will be subject to a one-semester reinstatement.
* First-year undergraduate students who have not entered their
majors (including reserved majors) must complete the first and second semesters
of their first year in order to enter their majors, so it is not possible to
take a leave of absence for only one semester and must be reinstated in order.
* Students on leave of absence must apply for reinstatement to
register for courses
in the "Apply" stage before approval).
* Students who are approved for reinstatement must complete all
course registration and tuition payment within the timeframe specified in the
academic calendar.
* A copy of the discharge certificate or the original resident
registration card (specifying the date of discharge) must be attached to GLS
when applying for reinstatement as shown in the table below (discharged
students must apply for reinstatement with the discharge certificate attached
and upload it by replacing it with the discharge certificate in GLS >
Application/Eligibility Management > Leave/Reinstatement Application >
Leave/Reinstatement Application Status Check menu after the actual discharge).
Required documents
Military discharge |
Discharge certificate or copy of ID card |
Expected to be discharged within 1/4 of a school
day (discharged before 09.24) |
Expected discharge certificate |
Expected to be discharged within 2/4 of a school day (discharged
during Mon, 09.25 - Sun, 10.22) |
Expected discharge certificate and Leave of Absence certificate
(Leave of absence must prove that you will be available for at
least 3/4 of the class; if not available, a letter from your unit commander
(attached) is acceptable) |
* A student whose scheduled end of service
date is after two-fourths of the school year has passed is not eligible to
apply for reinstatement for that semester.
* If an enlisted leave of absence is not
reinstated or extended to a general leave of absence (if there are any semester
hours remaining) within one year of the first day of the semester that includes
the end of the enlistment period, the enlisted leave of absence will be
of enlisted leave of absence expiration>
* Discharged from the military between August 29, 2022 and February
26, 2023: Must apply for reinstatement/leave of absence before the start of the
second semester in 2023
* Feb. 27, 2023 - Aug. 27, 2023 Discharge: Must apply for
reinstatement/extended leave of absence before the first day of the first
semester of 2024
3. Readmission
- Eligibility: You can apply for re-admission after one year (two
semesters) from the date of expulsion.
* Exceptions include expired enlistment leave and academic warning
expulsion with graduation (completion) requirements fulfilled.
- Application period: 2023.07.17.(Mon) ~ 2023.07.21.(Fri) by 17:00
- Application method: GLS > Application/Eligibility Management
> Re-entry Application
* First-year undergraduate students who have not entered their
majors (including those with reserved majors) must complete the first and
second semesters of their first year in order to enter their majors, so they
must apply for re-entry in time for the semester (however, re-entry in the same
semester is possible only if they apply for paid leave).
Readmission approval is subject to
availability of seats and the results of the readmission examination, which
will be notified individually prior to enrollment.
* General leave of absence is not allowed in the first semester of
re-entry (except for reasons due to illness)
* Students who are approved for re-entry must register and apply for
courses according to the academic calendar, and re-entry will be canceled if
not registered.
Prev | Dissertation Submission Deadline Extension for Graduate Students Expected to Graduate in August 2023 | 2023-07-17 |
Next | [LOCATION CHANGE] Summer 2023 Commencement | 2023-08-17 |
Prev | Dissertation Submission Deadline Extension for Graduate Students Expected to Graduate in August 2023 | 2023-07-17 |
Next | [LOCATION CHANGE] Summer 2023 Commencement | 2023-08-17 |