
Qualifying Exam (QE) for Semester 2, Class of 2023

GSBMS Date 2023-09-01 오후 12:53:29 Inquiries 403

Qualifying Exam (QE) for Semester 2, Class of 2023

Below is the schedule for the Qualifying Exam (QE) for the second semester of the Class of 2023.


1. QE Overview

All doctoral programs (including combined programs) will be administered as a qualifying exam.

Exam Types

- QE Proposal Review and Oral Examination

Passing Criteria

- A minimum of 70 points in each of the abstract, proposal, and oral test out of 100 points.


(Major Test)

- Those who have earned at least the number of credits specified below in each degree program and have an average grade of 3.0 or higher.

*Doctoral program: 27 credits or more (usually taken in the 4th semester)

*Masters and doctoral combined program: 39 credits or more (usually taken in 6 semesters)

*Integrated courses prior to 2011 were 42 credits or more.

- Submission of safety education certificate for each semester of the period

* Must be completed once every semester from the time of admission until the main semester of study

Application procedure

Submit ① and ② documents to the administrative office by 15:00 on August 21, 2023.

- [Form in Appendix No. 11]: Qualifying Exam Application Form

- ② [ Attachment No. 11 (2) ] : One-page Abstract(Proposal For Qualifying Exam)

The topic and content of the QE Proposal should be written in English and should be selected in a field that is not related to the students thesis.

(Unrelated or non-major fields are recommended)

If the topic of the QE is similar to the topic of the students thesis, it will be invalidated.

Exam procedure

- Candidates for the QE must apply for the major examination at the same time (online) in GLS from August 28, 2018 (Mon) to August 31, 2018 (Thu) and then take the QE.

* Held once every semester

- Those who fail the QE can reapply in the next semester.

Full proposal

- Complete the Proposal For Qualifying Exam in English and send it to all three members of the Qualifying Committee.

Send the completed proposal to all 3 members of the Qualifying Committee by email by September 6, 2023 (Wed).

- Send the examination results to the administrative office by September 13, 2023.


Evaluation documents

[ Attachment 13 ] Application and Evaluation Form (Qualifying Proposal for Ph.D.)

[ Attachment 14 ] E valuation Sheet (Qualifying Oral Examination)

[ Attachment 15 ] Final Result of Qualifying Examination for Ph.D. degree (For Chair Use)

Oral examination

- Examination completed by October 5, 2023 (Thursday)

- Notification of examination results by October 12, 2023 (Thursday) (Chair of the examination committee collects the results and submits them to the administrative office)


QE Procedure

1. One-page Abstract

Organization of Qualifying Committee

The advisor recommends 3 people on campus (including the advisor) for the proposal and oral exam.

The professor in charge of qualifying appoints 3 members, and selects the chairperson of the committee from among the 3 members (excluding the advisor).


2. Full Proposal

1) Send Full Proposal: Student directly to 3 committee members by 2023. 9. 6.(Wed)

Write the proposal in English in accordance with the Proposal For Qualifying Exam [ Attachment No. 12 ], and send the completed proposal to all three members of the Qualifying Committee by email.

2) Full Proposal Review: Due by September 13, 2023 (Wed)

Each judge submits the results of the review to the Medical School Administration Office (if unavoidable, it can be submitted together after the completion of the oral examination)


3. Oral Exam

1) Oral Examination: Completion of examination by 2023. 10. 5.(Thu)

The examination schedule is determined by the student in consultation with the advisor and the examination chairperson.

2) Oral Exam Results: Notification of examination results by October 12, 2023 (Thursday )

The examination chairperson submits the examination results to the administration office within the applicable deadline

4. Announcement of Oral Exam passers: scheduled for October 19, 2023 (Thursday)



Medical School Administration Office
