
[LOCATION CHANGE] Summer 2023 Commencement

GSBMS Date 2023-08-17 오전 4:24:29 Inquiries 328

Summer 2023 Commencement

Congratulations to the graduates who have completed the entire process of their studies and are about to receive the honor of graduation, we are pleased to announce the offline degree ceremony for the August 2023 graduates as follows.


1. Overview of the Commencement Ceremony

1) Date: Friday, August 25, 2023 at 11:00 (approximately 70-90 minutes)

2) Venue: Millennium Hall, B2, 600th Anniversary Hall (*Venue changed from Geumjandi Plaza to Millennium Hall)

3) Method: Offline degree conferral ceremony

4) Relay seats: 600th Anniversary Hall, B5, Cho Byeongdu Hall, B1, Gwanggol Restaurant

5) Guidance for graduates/celebrants attending the event to enter the venue and seat assignments will be announced at a later date when details are finalized.


Please note that the number of guests may be limited to prevent congestion at the venue and for safety management.

Please contact your colleges administrative office for information on whether or not to hold a degree ceremony and the schedule.


2. Graduation Outdoor Photo Zone Operation Guide

1) Operating period: Aug. 16 (Wed) ~ Aug. 27 (Sun)

2) Location: [HR Cam] Gold Grass Square in front of Management Center / [Jagua Cam] Grass Square in front of Samsung Academic Information Center

3) Rental of degree clothes / Distribution of degree certificates / Issuance of graduation certificates: See attached documents


For more information on degree uniform rental, please refer to the summer 2023 degree uniform rental project in the announcement.


   (Homepage: )


4. Remarks: Please use public transportation as the campus may be crowded and parking spaces may be limited.

Parking on campus may not be available, especially during the 10 a.m. graveside ceremony.

Congratulations on your graduation, your fresh start, and your bold pursuit of your dreams and future.