GSBMS Date 2023-02-14 오전 11:46:13 Inquiries 492
Diploma distribution for M.S./Ph.D courses both
Issuance office: College of Medicine Administration Office
On-site distribution of degree certificates: 2/14 (Tue) 13:00 ~ 2/15 (Wed) 11:00
When requesting postal mailing of degree certificate: Students requesting postal mailing of degree certificate by 2/15 (Wed) 11:00 am
Please send it to with the correct delivery address and postal code.
la . Notice
- Unlike graduation certificates, degree certificates are issued only once and cannot be issued additionally. Please note that if you request mail delivery, reissuance due to an error in the shipping address or loss of delivery is not possible.
- In the case of on-site distribution, if you bring the graduates ID card (resident registration card, passport, etc.), you can receive it through a family member or acquaintance.
(Before visiting, please contact the administrative office in person regarding pick-up by proxy.)
Prev | [2023-1 Timetable] Academic Affairs [Biomedical Science] | 2023-02-12 |
Next | [2023-1] Application Guide for Request for Early Completion of Coursework for M.S/Ph.D-integrated course | 2023-02-14 |
Prev | [2023-1 Timetable] Academic Affairs [Biomedical Science] | 2023-02-12 |
Next | [2023-1] Application Guide for Request for Early Completion of Coursework for M.S/Ph.D-integrated course | 2023-02-14 |