(28 OCT 2022) Visualization of various chromatin structures using cryo-EM
- Date: 2022. 10. 28.(Fri) 15:00
- Place: AI Seminar room (3rd floor)
- Meeting ID: 990 091 0879
- Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9900910879 (pw: 0000)
- Speaker: Prof. Yoshimasa Takizawa (The University of Tokyo)
- Title: Visualization of various chromatin structures using cryo-EM
- Inviter: Prof. Kyeong Kyu Kim
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Prev | (2022, Fall) The strategy to treat pan-KRAS mutant cancers by using albumin binding caspase-3 cleavable peptide-drug conjugate | 2022-10-28 |
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