

Youngdae Gwon
Youngdae Gwon PhD
Professor: Graduate Program, Research Area, Laboratory, E-mail, Tel
Graduate Program Neuroscience
Research Area Biomolecular condensate/ Stress response/ Cellular senescence/ Neurodegenerative disease
Laboratory Laboratory of Cellular Stress, Aging, and Human Diseases Laboratory
Tel 031-299-6164
Education & Careers
  • 2005-2009 Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Dept. of Life Sciences, B.S.
    2009-2017 Seoul National University, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Ph.D.
    2017-2018 Seoul National University, Research Institute of Basic Sciences, Post-Doc.
    2018-2022 St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology/ Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Post-Doc
    2022-Present Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Assistant Professor
Research Interest
Our laboratorys research theme is to investigate the transformation of representative biomolecular condensates such as stress granules, nucleolus, and RNA transport granules triggered by stress and aging using cell biology, biophysics, and systems biology approaches.

Specific research topics are as follows:
1. Measuring the physical properties of biomolecular condensates under various physiologic and pathologic contexts
2. Finding genetic/pharmacologic regulators of biomolecular condensates
3. Developing tools to observe biomolecular condensates in higher order systems than cells
Representative Research Achievements
  • 1. Ubiquitination of G3BP1 mediates stress granule disassembly in a context-specific manner. Y Gwon, BA Maxwell, RM Kolaitis, P Zhang, HJ Kim, JP Taylor. Science (2021) 372(6549), eabf6548.
    2. Ubiquitination is essential for recovery of cellular activities after heat shock. BA Maxwell, Y Gwon , A Mishra, J Peng, H Nakamura, K Zhang, HJ Kim, JP Taylor. Science (2021) 372(6549), eabc3593.
    3. Amelioration of amyloid β-FcγRIIb neurotoxicity and tau pathologies by targeting LYN. Y Gwon, SH Kim, HT Kim, TI Kam, J Park, B Lim, H Cha, HJ Chang, YR Hong, YK Jung. The FASEB Journal (2019) 33(3), 4300-4313.
    4. TOM1 regulates neuronal accumulation of amyloid-β oligomers by FcγRIIb2 variant in Alzheimers disease. Y Gwon*, TI Kam*, SH Kim, S Song, H Park, B Lim, H Lee, W Lee, DG Jo, YK Jung. Journal of Neuroscience (2018) 38(42), 9001-9018.&160(* equal contribution)
    5. FcγRIIb-SHIP2 axis links Aβ to tau pathology by disrupting phosphoinositide metabolism in Alzheimers disease model. TI Kam*, H Park*, Y Gwon*, S Song, SH Kim, SW Moon, DG Jo, YK Jung. Elife (2016) 5, e18691. (* equal contribution)